Client Support Center

Custom Form Builder

  • Updated

The custom form builder enables events to collect data from purchasers effectively. Once a purchase is completed, customers are directed to a form before accessing their receipt page. While customers can choose to exit the form before completing it, placing this step after the purchase helps prevent potential drop-offs caused by lengthy forms. For the custom form to be displayed, the event must be set to Public.

Although filling out the form is not mandatory, customers who skip it will have the opportunity to complete it later through their customer profile.


Getting Started

Setting: Event Dashboard > Manage > Custom Form Builder

The Custom Forms page provides a list of all custom forms associated with an event. Each form entry displays the following details: the form's status, applicable ticket types, the number of users who have completed it, and whether the form is offered per order or per ticket type.

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Create a Form

To create a custom form, click the Create a Custom Form link.

Next, select the form type and specify the ticket types for which the form should appear. You can choose to display the form per order, where only one form is shown regardless of the number of tickets purchased, or per ticket type, where a form is displayed for each individual ticket. Additionally, you can set up different forms to appear based on the specific ticket type selected by the customer.

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  • Delay Form Collection: select ‘collect immediately’ to have the form appear right after ticket purchase, select ‘collect after Mag card/RFID activation’ to have the form appear during activation (must be set up by client support)
  • Form Title: displays on the form list page as well as on the customer-facing form
  • Status: choose from pending (still being worked on), active (ready for submissions), not active (not taking submissions)
  • Final Date Customers Can Edit Their Forms: the form will close after this date and time, the time zone defaults to the event time zone
  • Form Instructions – add a description or instructions for how to fill out the form

Create the form by selecting fields from the available options. Each form comes with several suggested fields by default. To remove any unnecessary fields, click the red trash icon. Use the arrow icons to drag and drop fields into the desired order.


To add a field, click on one of the field options and fill out all necessary fields.


To activate a field, click the lock icon. You can delete a field by clicking the trash icon or move it by pressing and holding the arrow icon.

To make a field required, uncheck the box next to "Not Required."

Newly added fields and their sort order will not be reflected until the form is saved. As a best practice, add all desired fields first, save the form, and then adjust the sort order as needed.

Download Data

Download customer data as a CSV by clicking the Download Data button.

Example Use Cases

Attendee Info

When customers buy tickets for others, you can use custom forms to gather the other attendees' information for contact, demographics, or marketing purposes.


For events that need registration for competitions, custom forms can collect important details like the registrant’s name, personal info, competitor ID numbers, and any other necessary information.

Mag Card/RFID Wristband/Print@Home Activation

Some events may require customers to register their mag cards, RFID wristbands, or print-at-home tickets. After receiving their ticket, customers can follow a link on our site to enter their ticket, wristband, or mag card number. Once they do, a form will appear to collect the ticket holder's data instead of the purchaser's. Note: The system doesn't actually require ticket buyers to fill out the form.

Important Notes

  • Ensure the event is set to Public and the form is Active to test its functionality.
  • Newly added fields won't appear under "Custom Form Field Options" immediately. Save your changes, then re-enter the edit mode to see the new fields.
  • If ticket types do not appear under "Field Type," the form will not work. To resolve this, create a new form or add a new ticket type to the event build. This issue often occurs when an event with a pre-existing form is copied or duplicated.
  • Customers can access Custom Forms in their See Tickets account. They can edit the form until the "Final Date Customers Can Edit Their Forms" date, whether they completed it after checkout or not.

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