Client Support Center

Affiliates Network

  • Updated

The See Tickets Affiliates Network is an API-based feed, allowing marketplaces to ingest event information. This feed provides a reliable, open, scalable way to help venues, promoters, and festivals sell more tickets and reach far more audiences from multiple niches. Benefits:

  • See Tickets Clients will reach more targeted audiences and sell more tickets.

  • Current Affiliates will be able to gather more info and integrate it in a more intelligent way, while still getting paid.

  • Fans will be able to find their events in the marketplaces they follow with a whole new level of detail.

This article is focused on two parts of the Affiliates Network: 

  1. Web Application (, whose main goal is to give visibility to the affiliate partners on their attributed sales.
  2. API Feed to describe what affiliate partners can pull from the feed, as well as the basic rules and behaviors of the fields have been enabled.

Web Application - Getting Started

To access, navigate to and enter your credentials linked to your See Tickets account.

  • Email

  • Password

  • Multi Factor Authentication: Choose to authenticate either with a text message or an authenticator app.

Once authenticated, you will land in the Affiliate stats dashboard.

Web Application - Stats Dashboard

The stats dashboard is a high level view of attributed sales at the moment of request. The dashboard acts as a guide to help understand funnels and conversions.

Important: The dashboard is pulling data that can change if a ticket is refunded or chargedback, so you should not consider the financial information on this screen as final for your reports.

The dashboard has 3 sections:

  1. Filters that manage the displayed information.

  2. List of events with at least 1 sale attributed to you.

  3. Total tickets sold.


By default, the filter displays the current month to date data. Remove the filter by removing the date. Select another date range if desired.

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To filter, enter:

  • Start date

  • End date

  • Filter by:

    • Sales: The moment a sale was made and attributed to you.

    • Event: The event’s date, which will bring events that had at least one ticket sold attributed to you regardless of when the actual sale was made.
      You will not be able to select future dates. Data is only available up to the time that the request is made.

List of Events

Based on the selected filters, a list of events will be displayed along with the option to download a CSV report with the exact same information.

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  • Event: Event name

  • Event ID: See Tickets Event ID.

  • Date & Time: Event start date & time.

  • Tix: Number of tickets attributed in the event attributed to you. This quantity will include refunded or chargeback tickets.

  • Total Earned: Amount earned by the tickets attributed based on the mark up for your account.
    Important: This is a high level guide since refunded and charge back tickets will be affecting this amount in real time. Do not base your financial analysis on these amounts.


The total amount of tickets attributed to your affiliate account based on the filters applied before.

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Web Application - Invoices

The Invoices section contains financial reporting. Invoices are created on a weekly basis, with all events that finished the previous week (Monday to Sunday). Your invoice will contain the payable amount based on the markup collected from your attributed orders on the events that finished the previous week. These invoices should match with the deposits we are making to your account weekly.

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You can also download a CSV version of the invoice.

  • Item: The definition of the line reported. It can be 3 things:

    • Affiliate Markup: Which will add the amount earned by that sale.

    • Refund Affiliate Fee: Which will deduct the amount previously earned, now refunded to the customer.

    • Chargeback: Which will deduct the amount previously earned, now charge back by the customer.

  • Date Added: The date on which the sale actually happened.

  • Description: Event name + See Tickets “ticket ID number”

  • Event ID: See Ticket’s event ID number

  • Event Name: Name of event name.

  • Event Date: Start date of event.

  • Venue: Name of venue.

  • Amount: Amount earned/deducted.

  • Currency: Transaction currency.

  • Face Value: Ticket price

Web Application - Settings

On the settings screen, you will be able to review your current markup rate. You will also be able to review your API Credentials, which includes:

  • Affiliate ID

  • API Key

  • API Secret
    The API Secret is a one-time displayed secret, which won’t be displayed again after the first time. If for any reason you need to see it again, you will need to create a new one.

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You can also create multiple API Credentials as well as remove them on demand.

API Feed - Introduction

Promoters and clients have the ability to opt-in events to display in external marketplaces. Only approved events will appear in the feed. See Tickets has two basic rules managed by client users:

  1. The event has to be active.
  2. The event has to be public.

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Our affiliate feed functions by listing events that meet the criteria above. Affiliates can pull information provided and use it to list events on their site or app. Affiliates should use event page links directly from the affiliate feed (White Label URL or Regular Event URL), because it contains a tracking cookie. If there is a conversion with that cookie, See Tickets will attribute it to the affiliate.

The Remove from feed 🚫 button is no longer applicable with this update. If you would like your event to not be added to the feed, toggle the Public/Private button to private 🔒.

API Feed - Getting Started

To access the API Feed, affiliates will need an account created at, as well as the following items that will be provided by the See Tickets US team:

  • Affiliate ID
  • API Key
  • API Secret
  • Online tech documentation for the integration

Data can be filtered by:

  • Affiliate ID that was assigned when setting up the account.
  • Retrieve all for all events that match the basic criteria previously mentioned.
  • Venue ID to pull info from specific venues.
  • Pagination if needed.

API Feed - Fields Provided

  1. ID: Event identification number. [Mandatory field]
  2. Title: Event name. [Mandatory field]
  3. Description: Event description. [Optional field]
  4. Start Date: Event’s date and time set to start the event. [Mandatory field]
  5. Event Dates: Multi day events dates / pass day applicable to festivals. [Mandatory field]
  6. End Date: Date and time that the event ends. [Optional field]
  7. Door Time: Time that the venue opens doors. [Optional field]
  8. Timezone: Time zone in which the event is happening locally. [Mandatory field]
  9. On Sale Date: Date the event starts selling tickets.
  10. Sale Status: Ability to purchase tickets or not, based on ticket availability.
    1. onSale: At least one ticket type is available and public to purchase online.
    2. offSale: No ticket types are available to be purchased online.Ticket types may have a combination of off-sale scenarios; sold out ticket types, inactive ticket types, hidden ticket types, onsale dates for the future or box office only tickets.
    3. soldOut: All ticket types for the event are sold out.
  11. Image: URL for main event image. [Optional field]
  12. Headliners: Selected headlining artists pulled from an integration with MusicBrainz. [Optional field]
    1. Name: Artist name
    2. musicBrainzId: Artist ID based on the MusicBrainz database.
  13. Supporting Talent: Selected supporting artists.
    1. Name: Artist name
    2. musicBrainzId: Artist ID based on the MusicBrainz database.
  14. Currency: The currency in which the event is transacting.
  15. Minimum Ticket Price: Lowest price of the ticket types listed for the event.
  16. Maximum Ticket Price: Highest price of the ticket types listed for the event.
  17. White Label URL: Event page ink (with tracking cookie added) to list the event’s white label page, most used by See Tickets’ clients.
  18. Regular Event URL: The link (with tracking cookie added) to list the event’s See Tickets branded page
  19. Event Status: Indicates if an event is active, canceled, or postponed. 
    1. Note: This field is not ready yet, so for now it will only display active events.
  20. Venue
    1. ID - [Mandatory field]
    2. Name - [Mandatory field]
    3. Room - [Optional field]
    4. Capacity - [Optional field]
    5. Street - [Mandatory field]
    6. City - [Mandatory field]
    7. State - [Mandatory field]
    8. ZipCode - [Mandatory field]
    9. Latitude
    10. Longitude
  21. Genre: Genre selected by the promoter, based on the default genre values provided by See Tickets. [Mandatory field]
  22. Tags: Tags selected by the promoter, an open-ended field that promoters use to make their events easier to find.
  23. Is Music Event?: True or False will return based on the genre selected. 
  24. Is Festival?: True or False will return based on the internal client segmentation.
  25. Ticket Types: Ticket types will be displayed on a separate endpoint, where you need to filter by event ID.
  26. ID: Ticket type ID
  27. Name: Ticket type name [Mandatory field]
  28. Description: Ticket type description [Optional field]
  29. Price: Face value [Mandatory field]

API Feed - Things to Note

  • Festivals show a 0:00 hours start time
    • For multi-day events (like festivals), the API will always return the first date of the event at 0:00 local hours. See Tickets does not support start hour selection for multi day events.
  • Minimum ticket prices that are not real tickets.
    • If an event has parking as a ticket type for $5.00, it will be displayed as the minimum ticket price.
    • If an event has a $0.00 USD ticket listed to register for free, the minimum ticket price will display as $0.00 USD.
  • Incorrect artists or null MusicBrainz ID
    • This can be prone to human error by the promoter, so the wrong artist can be pulled if the user did not select the correct one.
    • If an artist does not have a MusicBrainz ID, it won’t show in the event creation process, so the system will “create” the artists. These artists will return a NULL value. Basically, if a client uses an artist not in the artist dropdown, the affiliate may not be able to match the artist on their side.
  • Broken or redirecting links
    • In some cases, See Tickets clients may redirect events to another URL to co-promote a show or list an event sold elsewhere.
  • Event Status: 
    • This field will always be returned as active for now. Events canceled or postponed will not be returned by the API at all.
  • All dates and times are displayed in UTC timezones, based on the local time selected.
  • All the information displayed (and its quality) at the feed, depends on the promoter / event organizer.
  • The feed is not a global feed, so it will only return events managed by See Tickets US.
  • Not all fields are mandatory when setting up an event, so there will be some fields left empty by clients.
  • enables measuring two events that are linked together: an event on a publisher's website, such as a user viewing or clicking an ad, with a subsequent conversion on an advertiser site.
  • Attribution measurements for events that are linked together: an event on a client's website, such as a user viewing or clicking an ad, with a subsequent conversion on See Tickets' site.
    • Tracking time: 30-day cookie to track conversions.
    • Events: Only event originally referred to.
    • Times: Only one conversion.
    • Single referrer: Cookie drops if a new referral comes in from the same user.
    • Other notes:
      • Cookie will drop if Affiliate B, comes after affiliate A (we’ll keep last affiliate cookie)
      • This applies also to ad referrals. The sale is attributed the last click - non direct - independently if they come from affiliates, ads (social or displays), or different referrals.
      • Conversion is made 30 days after the first “non-direct” visit has passed.
  • Difference between Event Listing API and Affiliate API:
    • If you are looking to populate your events onto your website, you will use our Event Integration API found on your client dashboard, not the Affiliates API.

    • The Affiliates API has an endpoint that lists events but lacks fields needed for your venue, promoter or festival website. Fields missing include statuses (Box Office Only, Sold Out, Coming Soon, etc), subtitles, event header, off sale date/time, images and more. These fields are included in the Event Integration API.

    • The Affiliates API cannot filter for a single client.

Reporting via Live Stats

In order to review your affiliates attributed sales, visit the Event Dashboard > Live Stats > Marketing page and scroll to the following sections:

Sales Channel

Note that the line item "Affiliates V2" will display the data from the updated version of this feature.

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Event Syndication

Note that you may see duplicate affiliates listed due to some sales on the original version of the feed and some on the new API-based feed.

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