Event Stats Emails are an easy and efficient way to share an overview of event performance with people inside or outside your organization, without needing to download a report. Please note that these emails do not include any financial information, only ticket counts.
Scheduling a Stats Email
- Look for "Scheduled Stats Emails" menu item in your side navigation on the Event Dashboard
- Select "New Stats Email" to create a new configuration
- Input the email addresses to whom this configuration will apply
- Choose the days of the week and time in which the emails should be sent
- Choose the type of content you want the email to include: All Ticket Types, Specific Ticket Types, Specific Categories.
- Save
Specific Ticket Categories filter is not available for events using Event Creation for Venues.
Things to Know
- If selecting specific ticket types or categories, email will only include counts for the ticket(s) selected or belonging to the categories selected.
- Time configuration is based on the event's timezone.
- Email may take a few minutes around the scheduled hour to arrive.
- The "Specific Ticket Types" selection will display active and inactive ticket types.
- It is not possible to have more than 1 scheduled email configuration with the exact same day, time and content selections; we encourage you to use the same configuration to add multiple emails instead.
- Emails are only sent if the event is in "Active" or "Pending Settlement" status.
- Email is sent at the scheduled day(s) and time, even if the event has 0 sales.
List of Scheduled Emails
You can see your previously scheduled emails in the "Scheduled Stats Emails" page, along with the date and time in which the email was last sent.
From this page, you can also edit a scheduled email configuration or completely remove it.
Email Sections
If you are using Event Creation for Venues (ECV), users will receive a version of the stats email that also includes a Holds count.
Total Sales
- Yesterday - includes an aggregate of tickets sold from midnight to 11:59 the previous day.
- Total Sales Today - includes an aggregate of tickets sold historically, until the moment the email was sent.
Yesterday - By Ticket Type
Displays the ticket types with sales within the last 24 hours.
Total Sales To Date - By Ticket Type
Lists sold, outstanding and held (in case of an ECV event) ticket count until the moment the email was sent, by ticket type.
Holds (applicable to ECV events only)
Lists the holds on the event.
If your email is configured to only include specific ticket types or categories, any ticket types not selected or not belonging to the categories you selected will not be included in the email.
Things to Know
- "Sold" count will only consider tickets with a > 0 price and either in purchased or payment plan status, as long as the payment plan is not expired or voided.
- Active or Failed Payment Plans are counted as sold.
- Expired or Voided payment plans are not counted as sold, but do reduce the outstanding count.
- Refunded or chargedback tickets are not considered in the sold count.
- Guest List, Comps and $0 tickets are not considered in the sold count, however (depending on the account settings) if comps are set to be removed from available allotment, the "Outstanding" count will decrease.
- Email does not include a specific count for Comps.
- For shared ticket types, only the main ticket type will display the outstanding (remaining) allotment, the shared one will always display "0 outstanding".
Example of non-holds version
Example of holds version
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