Client Support Center

Venue Dashboard

  • Updated

Navigation & Layout

The Venue Dashboard consists of three parts: 

  1. Sales Summary - this is the visual overview of recent sales data.
  2. Your Events – this is very similar to the existing event table (for now) and displays event data. 
  3. Account Info and Reps – this is where you’ll be able to find out who to contact.

Sales Summary

The Sales Summary gives a visual overview of ticket sales. Sold tickets are displayed over the Total Allotment, and the Sales number is the sum of the face value of all of those sold tickets. The Sales Summary also displays the location, date, and time of the event. Show options include Upcoming Events and Recent On-Sales.

Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 2.51.30 PM.png

Your Events

Your Events displays Upcoming Events by default. When scrolling down, the display is not paginated, but continuously scrolls. The Event Title, Name, and Date is in the first column. Total Sales displays the sum of the face values of all tickets sold.* There is also a visual indicator of the event’s Status.**

*Note: this is a different column calculation than the legacy dashboard 

**Note: active is green, and anything else is yellow

Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 2.52.27 PM.png

- When selected, the Event Name opens the Event Dashboard in both the Sales Summary and the Event Table. 

Show Dropdown:

Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 2.52.19 PM.png

- When "Show: Date Range" is selected the date selector fields appear:

Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 2.58.18 PM.png

Ellipses Menu Actions:

Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 2.59.10 PM.png

- The ellipses menu actions are not available on the mobile display. Mobile is for display only, and Product can add functionality later if desired.

Account Info and Reps

This mimics the existing Account Info & Reps section, but like the Notes section, it is collapsible. 

Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 2.52.37 PM.png


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