Client Support Center

Reserved Seating Box Office Management

  • Updated

Reserved seating in the box office gives you the ability to sell, hold, kill, consign, release and move seats. You can also reprint any sold seat and batch print Will Call tickets or available seats before the event and sell tickets as best available or select the exact seats the customer wants.

Box Office

Event Dashboard > Box Office > Sell Tickets

In the Sell Tickets tab you will see all available ticket types, a Chart Admin button and a Seat Selector button. 

If you do not use the Seat Selector to choose seats and instead only use the +/- to choose tickets, the customer will be assigned the best available seat(s) of that price.



The Chart Admin feature allows you to hold, kill, consign, release or move seats. You can reprint any sold seat and batch print all will call seats or all available seats (the latter option is not currently functioning) before the event.

Seat Selector is the reserved seating selling page that mimics the online ticket page. Here, you can pick a specific seat for the customer similar to the one they see online and sell or comp the order.

Click onto either tool to populate the event map(s).




Chart Admin

Select a section by clicking on the red dot for the desired section or from the dropdown at the top of the map. When you hover over a red dot, it will tell you the name of the section and how many seats are available.




Once you have selected a section, you will see an overview of all seats, along with a color coded key of any consignment tickets in that section. Switch sections using the dropdown. 

You can select a single seat, multiple seats or an entire whole row. Seats will turn red once they are selected. Depending on the status of the seat, certain buttons will illuminate once it is selected (kill, hold, release, consign, print). These actions are defined later in this article. 


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In the upper right corner of the seating section, there are a few actions you can use to select all seats, clear all seats or refresh the chart.


Select seats with the same status from the quick drop down selector at the top of the map. You can also choose how you select seats from the selector drop down: individual select, square, or unique shape grab. 

Depending on the availability of the seat, certain actions will show in the buttons below.



A seat with the letter K on it indicates that seat is in a killed status.

Kills are seats that are not available for sale. By killing a seat you remove it from the map for this event and remove it from the total seat allotment. Kills can be released at any time. Kills cannot be printed because they are not sold seats. 





A seat with the letter H on it indicates that seat is in a held status.

Holds are not available for purchase online, but can be purchased in the box office if the user has the right permissions. Holds can be released at any time. An order is not created when seats are put on a hold status. Holds cannot be printed because they are not sold tickets.





Consignment tickets are color coded by order.

Add a name and a price to any seat you consign. Once you print a consigned ticket, it becomes a live order. 

Typically, consigned tickets are given to a specific group or individual to sell on their behalf. Consigned tickets are considered “sold” and will show up on any reports as such. 

Clicking on the consignment order on the right side of the Seat Selector screen will select all seats on that order for an action. 



You can release a held, killed or consigned seat. Releasing will make the seat(s) available.



Print and reprint any sold or consigned ticket. 


Customer Information and Moving Seats

When clicking on any sold seat (indicated in grey), you can see the order number, name, email and phone number of the customer of the purchaser, if that information was added to the sale. 

When a seat is selected, the Move Seats button will populate under the order details described above. Seats must be moved one at a time. Once you click the Move Seats button, select the section, row and seat that you want to move the seat to. Moving the seat to another seat that already has a customer attached will swap the seats. You cannot move to a spot that is consigned or killed.


Confirm the original seats and the new seats. Click Finish or Finish and Print.



Batch Print

The batch print feature allows you to print all will call tickets (that haven’t been picked up). Although, this feature prints all the will call tickets for an event, it will still require you to look at a manifest to know which seats are assigned to certain customers.





Seat Selector

The seat selector is used to purchase specific seats from the chart. With the right permissions, users can purchase a held seat. 

Hovering over a seat will show the section, row and seat and any ticket type options with their price and age (if applicable). When a seat is selected, a popup with all ticket type options available for that seat will appear. Once the ticket type is selected, the ticket will be carted.




Use the normal path to checkout once you have the seat selected.


Things To Note

  • The Print All Available Tickets option is not currently functioning.
  • In seat selector, you can use quick buttons at the bottom right of the map to refresh or reset the chart before the sale.
  • Collect additional info must be turned on by your Client Service Manager in order for additional purchaser info to be entered and saved during a box office purchase. Even though the pop-up appears, it won’t save any customer information unless that setting is turned on. This is the only way customer info will show up in the Chart Admin on a seat that has been purchased through the box office.
  • If a held seat is carted, but does not turn into a sale and is released, it is released as "open" and not back to the original "hold" status. Be aware of this and make sure to hold the seat(s) again.

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