Client Support Center

Event Creation for Venues (ECV)

  • Updated

Why ECV?

This feature is designed for venues needing to quickly create multiple events per day or week. Dynamic templates along with an efficient interface allow events to be created in 90 seconds or less.

Event & ticket information is entered in one continuous flow to streamline the ticket listing process. The final review page allows a final accuracy check before the tickets are put on sale.




Venue-Specific Fields


  • Optional header and subtitle fields with varying font sizes, provide extra flexibility for more complicated event titles and billing. They can be used to highlight the promoter, sponsor, headliner, support act etc.
  • Door time and end time can be added to the listing.
  • Specific performance rooms and spaces can be indicated so customers and venue staff know specifically which part of the venue that the event is being held.
  • The capacity can be recorded which helps venue staff know up to what they can sell and comp. While the capacity field is effectively just a note currently, it will eventually be used to support the iOS Box Office app and GA Consignment.


Configure all promotion settings at the same time, including the RSS feed, Facebook Event Publish, and our YouTube integration. Learn more.


The feature includes an easy to use interface, leveraging tools such as drag and drop for imagery and sorting, and navigation for easily flowing through the event creation process or quickly jumping to a section. There is intuitive functionality for adding tabs, groups, and toggles as well as a visual editor for ticket stock and e-tickets.


Get Started

This tool is currently in open beta. However, ECV should only be used for clients who do not utilize the Reserve Seating feature.

Once turned on, all templates and existing events on the client account will convert to the new venue event creation and templating tool.

Set up a Template

Templates save time by allowing standard information to be saved. Only the changeable information is required when setting up a ticket listing. The more information saved into a template means less information needs to be entered each time. Most fields (except for date-based fields) can be included in a template. Fields can be individually changed per event if the details happen to change in the future.

Access the template creation tool in one of two ways: 

  • Client Dashboard > Manage Menu > Templates
  • Directly from the ‘Create an Event’ popup: Client Dashboard > Create an Event link > "Create one" link

Fill Out Basic Information


  • Template Name: Name the template something short, descriptive and recognizable. This is important to distinguish between multiple templates.
  • Event Header: Displaying above your event title, it can be used to list a promoter name or a title prefix.
  • Event Subtitle: Displays below the event title and can be used for extra information (such as talent, support acts etc).
  • Headliner(s): Enter the main artist(s) or act(s) here. This displays on the ticket page, is searchable on See Tickets, and feeds into See Tickets affiliate sites for extra exposure. Up to 40 characters of this information displays on PDF receipts and ticket stock by default, but can be customized on request.
  • Supporting Talent: List other artists or acts that are not considered headliners.
  • Time Zone: Time zone of where the venue is located/events are taking place.
  • Public Setting: Toggle this setting on to make all events default to appear publicly. Public events will appear when searching on See Tickets and search engines.
  • Message: Add a message for customers to see before and after an online sale. For pre-sales, this message will appear after a pre-sale has ended and before a general sale has begun.
  • Event Genre: Specify a genre to help See Tickets market and create custom audiences to better market your event to interested fans.

Venue Info

Fill out the venue-specific info. If you have multiple venues or rooms, it might be a good idea to have a separate template per room if the details of the room differ.

You must save the Venue Info section before creating tickets.


  • Venue: All fields are not required but it is helpful to enter a Google maps approved full address. If your venue includes reserved seating, an icon will appear next to the venue name


  • Room: Include a specific room/space for multiple room venues.
  • Capacity: Event capacity will not prevent you from overselling, but it will notify you if your total combined allotments exceed the capacity.


Add extra information about your event. This information is important for SEO purposes.


  • Event Images: Drag photos into the box on the screen to add event images and rearrange them. For improved accessibility and SEO benefits make sure your image file name is descriptive. To remove an image, hover over the image and click the trash icon.
  • Event Description: Use as much detail as possible to describe the event and artists. Writing unique and colorful event descriptions improves your SEO ranking.
    • NOTE: Text must be formatted (bold, underline, bullet points, links, etc.) using text editor toolbar directly within this field. Copying and pasting pre-formatted text into this field will not display intended result.
    • To paste the plain text version of your pre-formatted text into this field, right-click in the field and select "Paste and Match Style" or on your keyboard use Ctrl + Shift + V (Windows) / Cmd + Shift + V (Mac).
  • See Tickets Search Tags: Add tags to your event that will be used as search keywords on the See Tickets website.


Choose the delivery method for this type of event. You can always edit this on the event itself, but if your delivery methods stay the same, this is a great setting to add to the template.


Your Client Service Manager can also add additional custom delivery methods, times and markup fees using the Edit feature.


  • Delivery Method Start Date & Time: Start date & time for delivery method to appear on the event page.
  • Delivery Method End Date & Time: End date & time for delivery method to appear on the event page.
  • Markup: Extra delivery fee charged to the customer.
  • Add Delivery Method: Your Client Service Manager can select a new custom delivery method from the dropdown that appears after clicking the "Ad delivery method" link.


Ticket Settings

Begin setting up your tickets by adding global ticket settings that apply to all tickets on your template.



  • Taxes: Note whether or not tax will be collected for the event. 
  • Purchase Limit: Enter the maximum number of tickets a customer can purchase on one credit card. We recommend a maximum of 10 or less to aid in fraud prevention.
  • Ticket Transfer: If toggled on, customers will be able to transfer their tickets to another See Tickets customer. This practice reduces fraud and allows customers to safely give their tickets to a friend or family member. Only print@home and will call tickets are eligible for ticket transfer.
  • Fees Templates: Your Client Service Manager can Set fees for the event using fee templates to created tiered fee structures.
  • Default Ticket Settings: When set, Default Ticket Settings are advanced ticket settings that apply to all ticket types created after the default setting is set. The following advanced ticket settings can be set in this section:
    • Age Restriction
    • Tickets per Order
    • Inactive Ticket Message

Ticket Types

Create individual ticket types to include on your template. These act as a great starting place for your event. Once you create your event, you can always remove unwanted tickets or edit the details. If your tickets remain the same across events, fill out as much information as necessary.


If the event page is configured to use the See Tickets cart, create multiple tabs for customers to see on the event page. This is the top level of grouping offered on an event page. Customers can move between tabs to create their own package. Click the "+" icon to add a new tab. Click into the tab name to edit the tab name. Use drag and drop to sort tabs into the preferred order.




Per tab, you have the option to group ticket types under one header. This is a visual tool used to make the event page organized and easily digestible for customers. Click "Add a group" to create a new group.

An empty group will appear below, Type the name of the group directly into the gray header.

Once the group is created, drag and drop ticket types under the group header. You can also toggle the display of your group using the open/close link on the left side. Delete an empty group by using the trash icon.

Ticket Type Fields

Create tickets by entering a ticket name, face value, status and allotment for each ticket. Click the Add button next to the ticket after filling out the required information.


  • Ticket Type Name: The ticket type name will appear on all printed tickets and PDF receipts. Ticket type names must be 60 characters or less, however it is best to keep ticket type names under 30 characters for proper display on printed ticket stock.
  • Face Value: The face value is the base price for your ticket type, excluding any fees, taxes or shipping costs.
  • Price Levels: You can change the price of a ticket based on the number of tickets sold at the current price and/or the date. Click "Add price levels" to create this tiered pricing structure. Enter in the new price you want to charge as well as either the allotment trigger or a trigger date. When creating a template, it's best to leave out any date based fields. Note that the allotment trigger is the number of tickets sold at that price before the price increases. Allotment triggers are based on tickets purchased and in carts. Not all tickets held in carts result in a successful purchase, but will still trigger the price level increase. In this case, the lower priced ticket remains off sale and the new price is set until the next price level trigger.


  • Status: Ticket types can be marked as either inactive or active. Active ticket types can be purchased by customers. Inactive ticket types are either not on sale yet or sold out.
  • Allotment: Each ticket type should be designated an allotment that can be sold. To keep inline with capacity rules, make sure each allotment combined is not greater than your venue's capacity.
  • Shared Allotments: After creating the first ticket type, the option to share an allotment with another ticket will appear. Instead of entering a number in the allotment field, use the dropdown arrow to select a ticket to share with.


Advanced Ticket Type Settings


  • Method of Sale: Select where you want this ticket to be sold.
  • Ticket Description: Include a description for your ticket type. Descriptions longer than 1 line will appear in a 'more info' toggle.
  • Age Restriction: Enter any age restrictions this ticket type holds.
  • Purchase Limits: Enter the minimum and maximum number of tickets of this type a customer can purchase in their order.
  • Allotment Increase: Enter the date and time that you want the allotment to be increased, as well as the quantity that you would like to be added to the allotment.
  • Inactive Ticket Message: This message will appear to customers if a ticket is not on sale yet or sold out.

Reserved Seating

If the selected venue has reserved seating charts, a toggle will appear in the ticket manager. One reserved seating chart can be associated per tab. The client account must be in 'cart' mode in order to display multiple reserved seating charts on the same event. A single seating chart can only be used once per template.


Once toggled on, a reserved seating configuration popup will appear. Select a reserved seating chart and pricing chart to use on the event. If the template should sell as best available instead of select-a-seat, toggle the best available option on.


After saving, pricing sections will populate into the ticket manager. Create ticket types under each pricing section. Once a reserved seating chart is associated with a tab, it cannot be changed. Delete the tab to use a different reserved seating chart instead.

Ticket groups and ticket descriptions apply to best available charts only. To switch a tab from select-a-seat to best available, select the link labeled with the seating and pricing chart name.


Customize Tickets

Add custom text to all tickets or each ticket individually. Note that you must save the Ticket Types block before customizing tickets.

The event subtitle and headliner names are populated by default, but you may change those fields at any time.


You can also select the color of your ticket stock if you are ordering or shipping hard tickets.

You can set your confirmation PDFs to include the same custom information as your ticket stock, or customize with different language on the PDF.


You can also upload a receipt image that will display on all of your PDFs.



Preselect your promote settings on your template. If you'd like all events using this template to be automatically added to our affiliate RSS feed, toggle this setting to "on".




Use this section to review the details of your template. If you find you need to make changes, click the edit icon to return to a section.


Once you are happy with your template, click "Finish Template".


Create an Event

Setting: Client Dashboard > "Create an Event" link

Choose a Template

Begin by choosing a template from the templates associated your account. You can also create a new template by clicking the "Create one" link.



Fill Out Basic Information


  • Headliner(s): Enter the main artist(s) or act(s) here. This displays on the ticket page, is searchable on See Tickets, and feeds into See Tickets affiliate sites for extra exposure. Up to 40 characters of this information displays on PDF receipts and ticket stock by default, but can be customized on request. Headliners will auto-populate into the event title field. Use the Edit Title option to enter a custom event title.
  • Supporting Talent: List other artists or acts that are not considered headliners. Supporting talent will auto-populate into the event subtitle field. Use the Edit Subtitle option to enter a custom event subtitle.
  • Event Header: Displaying above your event title, it can be used to list a promoter name or a title prefix.
  • Event Title: This is how your event is listed on our website. Please limit your event title to 30 characters including spaces so that it displays clearly on PDF receipts and ticket stock.
  • Event Subtitle: Displays below the event title and can be used for extra information (such as talent, support acts etc).
  • Event Type: Choose single day or multi-day event. Single day event will be prompt you to select one date. Multi-day event will prompt you to select multiple dates, either consecutive or non-consecutive.
  • Event Date & Time: Select the date of your event and time if your event is a single day.
  • Display Event Time to Attendees: Toggle on/off the display of the event time. This includes the display on the event itself, as well as tickets, emails, PDF tickets, and the customer account. 
  • Additional Times: Enter a door time and an end time.
  • Time Zone: Time zone of where the venue is located/events are taking place.
  • Public/Announce Date & Time: Set the date & time the event will become listed and searchable on and search engines. Private events are still active but can only be accessed through the ticket page links. If this field is left blank, the event will remain private until manually changed to public in the event dashboard unless you have chosen for all events to be public at the template level.
  • General Onsale Date & Time: Set the date and time parameters for your tickets to be available to purchase. IMPORTANT: The end time will stop ALL sales, both online and box office. If you want to end your online sale before box office sales, set dates and times for your ticket types to be removed from online in the ticket manager.
  • Message: Add a message for customers to see before and after an online sale. For pre-sales, this message will appear after a pre-sale has ended and before a general sale has begun.
  • Event Genre: Specify a genre to help See Tickets market and create custom audiences to better market your event to interested fans.

Venue Info

Enter a venue for your event if you haven't already added one at the template level. You can also change your venue if you do not want to use the venue imported by your template. Note that you must save the Venue Info section before creating tickets.


  • Venue: All fields are not required but it is helpful to enter a Google maps approved full address.
  • Room: Include a specific room/space for multiple room venues.
  • Capacity: Event capacity will not prevent you from overselling, but it will notify you if your total combined allotments exceed the capacity.


Add extra information about your event. This information is important for SEO purposes.


  • Event Images: Drag photos into the box on the screen to add event images and rearrange them. For improved accessibility and SEO benefits make sure your image file name is descriptive. To remove an image, hover over the image and click the trash icon.
  • Event Description: Use as much detail as possible to describe the event and artists. Writing unique and colorful event descriptions improves your SEO ranking.
  • See Tickets Search Tags: Add tags to your event that will be used as search keywords on the See Tickets website.


Choose the delivery method for this type of event. You can always edit this on the event itself, but if your delivery methods stay the same, this is a great setting to add to the template.



Your Client Service Manager can also add additional custom delivery methods, times and markup fees using the Edit feature.


  • Delivery Method Start Date & Time: Start date & time for delivery method to appear on the event page.
  • Delivery Method End Date & Time: End date & time for delivery method to appear on the event page.
  • Markup: Extra delivery fee charged to the customer.
  • Add Delivery Method: Your Client Service Manager can select a new custom delivery method from the dropdown that appears after clicking the "Ad delivery method" link.


Ticket Settings

Begin setting up your tickets by adding global ticket settings that apply to all tickets on your template.


  • Taxes: Note whether or not tax will be collected for the event. 
  • Purchase Limit: Enter the maximum number of tickets a customer can purchase on one credit card. We recommend a maximum of 10 or less to aid in fraud prevention.
  • Ticket Transfer: If toggled on, customers will be able to transfer their tickets to another See Tickets customer. This practice reduces fraud and allows customers to safely give their tickets to a friend or family member. Only print@home and will call tickets are eligible for ticket transfer. 
  • Fees Templates: Your Client Service Manager can set fees for the event using fee templates to created tiered fee structures.
  • Default Ticket Settings: When set, Default Ticket Settings are advanced ticket settings that apply to all ticket types created after the default setting is set. The following advanced ticket settings can be set in this section:
    • Age Restriction
    • Tickets per Order
    • Inactive Ticket Message

Ticket Types

Create individual ticket types to include on your template. These act as a great starting place for your event. Once you create your event, you can always remove unwanted tickets or edit the details. If your tickets remain the same across events, fill out as much information as necessary.


If the event page is configured to use the See Tickets cart, create multiple tabs for customers to see on the event page. This is the top level of grouping offered on an event page. Customers can move between tabs to create their own package. Click the "+" icon to add a new tab. Click into the tab name to edit the tab name. Use drag and drop to sort tabs into the preferred order.



Per tab, you have the option to group ticket types under one header. This is a visual tool used to make the event page organized and easily digestible for customers. Click "Add a group" to create a new group.


An empty group will appear below, Type the name of the group directly into the gray header.


Once the group is created, drag and drop ticket types under the group header. You can also toggle the display of your group using the open/close link on the left side. Delete an empty group by using the trash icon.


Ticket Type Fields

Create tickets by entering a ticket name, face value, status and allotment for each ticket. Click the Add button next to the ticket after filling out the required information.


  • Ticket Type Name: The ticket type name will appear on all printed tickets and PDF receipts. It is best to keep ticket type names under 30 characters.
  • Face Value: The face value is the base price for your ticket type, excluding any fees, taxes or shipping costs.
  • Price Levels: You can change the price of a ticket based on the number of tickets sold at the current price and/or the date. Click "Add price levels" to create this tiered pricing structure. Enter in the new price you want to charge as well as either the allotment trigger or a trigger date. When creating a template, it's best to leave out any date based fields. Note that the allotment trigger is the number of tickets sold at that price before the price increases. Allotment triggers are based on tickets purchased and in carts. Not all tickets held in carts result in a successful purchase, but will still trigger the price level increase. In this case, the lower priced ticket remains off sale and the new price is set until the next price level trigger.


  • Status: Ticket types can be marked as either inactive or active. Active ticket types can be purchased by customers. Inactive ticket types are either not on sale yet or sold out.
  • Allotment: Each ticket type should be designated an allotment that can be sold. To keep inline with capacity rules, make sure each allotment combined is not greater than your venue's capacity.
  • Shared Allotments: After creating the first ticket type, the option to share an allotment with another ticket will appear. Instead of entering a number in the allotment field, use the dropdown arrow to select a ticket to share with.


Advanced Ticket Type Settings


  • Method of Sale: Select where you want this ticket to be sold.
  • Ticket Description: Include a description for your ticket type. Descriptions longer than 1 line will appear in a 'more info' toggle.
  • Age Restriction: Enter any age restrictions this ticket type holds.
  • Purchase Limit: Enter the maximum number of tickets of this type a customer can purchase in their order.
  • Minimum Ticket Requirement: Enter the minimum number of tickets of this type a customer must purchase.
  • Inactive Ticket Message: This message will appear to customers if a ticket is not on sale yet or sold out.

Reserved Seating

If the selected venue has reserved seating charts, a toggle will appear in the ticket manager. One reserved seating chart can be associated per tab. The client account must be in 'cart' mode in order to display multiple reserved seating charts on the same event. A single seating chart can only be used once per event.


Once toggled on, a reserved seating configuration popup will appear. Select a reserved seating chart and pricing chart to use on the event. If the event should sell as best available instead of select-a-seat, toggle the best available option on.


After saving, pricing sections will populate into the ticket manager. Create ticket types under each pricing section. Once a reserved seating chart is associated with a tab, it cannot be changed. Delete the tab to use a different reserved seating chart instead.

Ticket groups and ticket descriptions apply to best available charts only. To switch a tab from select-a-seat to best available, select the link labeled with the seating and pricing chart name.



Customize Tickets

Add custom text to all tickets or each ticket individually. Note that you must save the Ticket Types block before customizing tickets.

The event subtitle and headliner names are populated by default, but you may change those fields at any time.


You can also select the color of your ticket stock if you are ordering or shipping hard tickets.

You can set your confirmation PDFs to include the same custom information as your ticket stock, or customize with different language on the PDF.


You can also upload a receipt image that will display on all of your PDFs.



Preselect your promote settings on your template. If you'd like all events using this template to be automatically added to our affiliate RSS feed, toggle this setting to "on".



Use this section to review the details of your template. If you find you need to make changes, click the edit icon to return to a section.


Once you are happy with your template, click "Finish Template".

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